Friday, February 25, 2022

Can morality be Legislated?

 Read Psalm 58. 

The purpose of law is not to legislate morality but to protect the nation from immorality and injustice.  Originally, judges and those who make decisions on behalf of the people were ordained by God to be His representatives on earth.  Pretending to be neutral, or amoral, will lead to the destruction of a society 100% of the time.  It is only when right judgments are made that the people benefit and the nation is spared. 

Without belief in accountability to God, without knowledge of and adherence to His word, decision-makers are left to themselves and their passions to deem what is right or wrong for the culture.  Depending upon the culture, laws to govern judgments are made by fiat from a ruler, a type of majority from a legislature, or a majority of votes from the people.  This can have devastating results for those who have been mistreated, criminalized, or who merely wish to live quiet, peaceful, unhindered lives. 

Anything goes.  Everything becomes acceptable...unless you are a committed follower of Jesus.  Christian worldviews are publicly denounced as unacceptable and ridiculed.  Why does this happen?  Behind immorality and injustice is the Evil One who energizes and directs all things against the knowledge of God. 

Humanism depends upon the so-called innate goodness of mankind.  The Bible teaches us the opposite.  In David's descriptions of these unjust judges, he denounced them as devising wrongs, creating violence, and that they were wicked from birth.  As judges, he declared them to be deaf and dangerous.  His graphic and brutal prayer was that God would stop their mouths, de-fang their power, and cause them to suddenly be gone. 

In verse 11, David reaffirmed the certainty that the righteous before God will be rewarded and that God is the ultimate Judge of all things. 

"He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?" (Micah 6:8)

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