Monday, September 14, 2020

A Biblical response to a revisionist Culture

 Read Jude.

Jude wanted to write a letter of encouragement concerning "our common salvation".  Instead, the Holy Spirit guided him to a message of exhortation.  Why?  Because it was "necessary".

Faith in God's word and the belief in the Biblical Jesus were being challenged by pretenders.  They "crept in" among Christians and began compromising, distorting, and even denying the Scriptures.  Many true followers of Christ tended to go along with these apostates in order to keep peace.  Doubters were influenced to embrace compromise for a false sense of unity.

What was true in Jude's day is true today.  We see and hear of those who discount the Bible's relevance, even wanting to revise it.  Marchers and protesters have come against those who seek to maintain their faith in Jesus.  Denominations have caved-in to accommodate them rather than condemn them.
What characterized these false believers?
-"sensuality"  They used the fact that God accepts sinners as an excuse to justify their flagrant and shameless sin.
-"denying our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ."  They refused to submit themselves to Jesus in either word or deed.  In their rebellion, they only obey their own selfish, sinful desires.
Jude goes on to describe them in numerous and graphic terms so no one would be in doubt.
Instead of a sense of shame, "These are grumblers, malcontents, following their own sinful desires; they are loud-mouthed boasters, showing favoritism to gain advantage" (v.16) 

What consequences do these false believers face?
Refusing to accept God authority over their sinful lifestyles and selfish beliefs will only result in His judgment.  Jude provides historic example after example in these short verses to show God's judgment upon such people.  The price is heavy, not only in this life, but in the eternal "fire" (v.23) to come.  There will be no boasting then.

What are true followers of Jesus to be doing?
1. "Contend for the faith." (v.3)  Contend means "to struggle" as one who enters a ring to fight and engage in conflict; not for a draw but for a victory!  Failure to stand for God's word or to avoid dealing with such spiritual cancer is disobedience and sin in itself. 

2. "...building yourselves up in your most holy faith..." (v.20a)  The number one reason good people are caught up in compromise and error is that they do not know their Bible and its clear teachings.  The greatest defense against false teaching is to read and know the truth of God's word.

3. "...and praying in the Holy Spirit..." (v.20b)  In our personal conversations with the Lord we are to submit our wills to His.  It is to be a time of worship and adoration for who God is and what He has done, not just for what we want from Him.  When we surrender to Him in prayer, the Holy Spirit can then guide us into living out His will for our lives.  That is the essence of a daily faith.

4. "...keep yourselves in the love of God." (v.21a)  We are to contend for the faith, but we are not allowed to be contentious.  Loving God and loving people is our command.  Being filled with the Holy Spirit will empower us to do this.

5. "...waiting for the mercy of our Lord Jesus..." (v.21b)  In the battle, we must keep our heads up and look forward to our Lord's deliverance from this temporal world.  We are to live with eager anticipation of that day.

6. Extend God's mercy to others where they are spiritually. (v.22-23)
Some among us have legitimate doubts so we are to help them.  Some are enslaved by their sin.  We must go and rescue them.  As we do, we need to be careful of ourselves so we do not become defiled or influenced by their sin.


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