Monday, September 7, 2020

4 questions for those with Doubts

 Read 1 John 1.

This book settles the question once and for all that we have a "know-so" salvation.  We are not guessing about eternal life.  We do not live with a "hope-so" faith, waiting to see how this will all turn out after we die.

Depending upon the translation, the word "know" appears between 26-31 times in these five chapters.  In addition, the words "knows" and "knowledge" are used.  For anyone who may have doubts about their faith in Jesus, a great exercise is to read this book and circle each time the word "know" appears".  Nothing will build one's spiritual confidence like a good dose of reassuring Scripture.

A series of questions about our faith and the Bible are answered in this first chapter.
1. How did the Apostles know for certain that Jesus was who He said He was?
Over a period of some three years, John and the others lived and traveled with Jesus.  During that extended time they "heard" all He said, they had "seen" all that He did, they "observed" carefully the evidences before them, and they "touched with our hands".  Beyond this list, John saw the eternal Christ on the Mount of Transfiguration (Matthew 17:1-8), stood by the cross at the death of Jesus, and was the first man to enter the tomb after the resurrection (John 20:4).  Such an eyewitness account would hold up in any court of law.

2. How did John describe Jesus? 
-"That which was from the beginning..." (v.1a)  As the eternal God in the flesh, Jesus was there in Genesis 1:1.  He is the Creator of all things (Colossians 1:16).
-"The word of life..." (v.1b)  Belief in Jesus changes one from spiritual death to spiritual life. 
-"The life..." (v.2) and "the eternal life..."  Jesus said, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life." (John 14:6)  Definite articles all.  Without Jesus one misses all three.
-"...manifest.."  Jesus was publicly and externally apparent.  There was no mistaking His true identity.
-"...the Father and his Son Jesus Christ." (v.3) The conclusion from all the evidence could not be clearer than John 1:1-"And the Word was God."  

3. Why did Jesus come? (vv.3-4)
-that we might have "fellowship" (partnership) with God, Himself, as by faith we become part of the family of God.
-that we might have fellowship (partnership) with the earthly family of believers. 
-that we may experience the joy of sins forgiven and the full assurance of our salvation.

4. What robs us of our joy and assurance?
Sin in the believer's life will result in a loss of joy in Jesus.  Sin violates our conscience and brings guilt.  Unresolved sin causes doubts to creep in about what God has said in His word.  An unwillingness to admit sin may be evidence of unbelief in Jesus.  Agreeing with God about personal sin is the way to forgiveness and cleansing "of all unrighteousness".

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