Monday, July 6, 2020

Worship while you Work

Read Ephesians 6.

Continuing from chapter 5 is the theme of submission.  When the Holy Spirit is in control of a follower of Jesus, they will exhibit humility and a willing respect for those whom God has placed over them.  We do this, not because the other person, but because our focus is on our true Leader, Jesus.  It is our aim to always do those things that will please Him.  This is foundational to understanding the instructions to wives and husbands.

In chapter 6, the letter then addresses children and slaves with words of caution and warning to fathers and masters.  Regardless of one's station in life, each Christian is to fulfill their responsibilities in a God-honoring way.

One practical test will be how a believer in Jesus responds when there are challenges at work.  For example, what should a Christian do when there are disagreements with a supervisor, changes in job expectations, an overload of work to be done, or unfair treatment by an employer?  The unbeliever may display anger, grumbling, rebellion, etc.  If the word of God found here in 6:5-8 will work for Christian slaves in the Roman Empire, they will work anywhere.

1. Obey with fear and trembling.
Respect for authority is taught throughout the Bible on every level from the home to employment to government to God Himself.  Second to that is being afraid of the consequences of disobedience.

2. With a sincere heart.
There are those who will comply outwardly while harboring resentment and anger on the inside.  A follower of Jesus is to be genuine from the inside out.

3. As you would Christ.
If that person were Jesus Himself how would you respond?  But some will say, "They are not Jesus and do not deserve my respect."  That is the whole point of this passage!  We are to look beyond that imperfect, even sinful, person and keep our eyes of the One we really serve in this life.

4. Not with eyeservice as people-pleasers.
Some are tempted to work hard and smile big when the boss is watching.  True believers understand that God is watching our behavior all the time.

5. Doing the will of God from the heart.
Bloom where you are planted.  The slave had no choice of occupation.  But even the Christian slave had to decide about their attitude.  Free people must ask themselves if this place and this job is God's will for me or not.  If it is, we are to be accepting, embracing, God's will for our lives this day.

6. Whatever good anyone does, this he will receive back from the Lord.
Performing a good job with a great attitude will not only be seen by the authority over us, but the Lord promises to take note and reward us accordingly.  "For God is not unjust so as to overlook your work and the love that you have shown for his name in serving the saints, as you still do." (Hebrews 6:10)

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