Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Why do things seem to be getting Worse?

Read 2 Thessalonians 2.

The Thessalonian believers were confused about the second coming of Christ.  Paul had personally taught them and even encouraged them about this in his first letter.  But, false teaching caused them to be "shaken in the mind or alarmed."  Questions arose such as, "Did Jesus already come and they missed it?" and "If Jesus is coming, then why are things in this world getting worse instead of better?"

According to verse two, evidently, they experienced a concerted three-pronged attack.  First, a demonic spirit tried to infect their thinking.  Next, someone came with teaching a false doctrine.  Then, a forged letter was received pretending to be the Apostle Paul with contrary teaching.  Like many today who have not studied the truth of God's word for themselves or have been wrongly taught, confusion and ignorance has robbed them of their joy, comfort, and hope.

In a few short verses, Paul lays out God's plan for the future of this world.
1. The world will be in open rebellion. (v.3)
As he wrote to Pastor Timothy, "...evil people and impostors will go on from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived." (2 Timothy 3:13).  Such rebellion is already at work in the world (v.7).  Each generation witnesses the further erosion of moral and spiritual values to the point where all lifestyles and behaviors become increasingly acceptable, except holiness and moral purity.  While discrimination of any kind is unlawful, one who dares to live by the Biblical standards of what is right may be openly ostracized and ridiculed.  To the government, wrong has become right and right has become wrong.  This is bold rebellion against God Himself.

2. The man of lawlessness will be revealed. (v.3, 9-10)
The world exists in a leadership vacuum.  Where is the one who can unite the world and bring the promise of peace?  There is coming such a person who will seek to destroy all worship of anyone and anything, except himself.  This Satanically energized one will be none other than the prophesied Antichrist.  Both Daniel and Revelation provide the details.  He will offer himself as the solution to the world's problems.  He will perform "false signs and wonders" in order to deceive "those who are perishing," "those who "refused to love the truth and so be saved," those "who did not believe the truth" (v.12).

3. The Holy Spirit will be removed.
Note the phrase "in his time."  God is in control and will be right on schedule in fulfilling all His plans.  The Holy Spirit first indwelt believers in Acts 2.  With the catching away of believers (living and dead), as Paul explained in 1 Thessalonians 4, there will be no earthly restraints left against worldwide rebellion and the Antichrist's rule.

4. The Lord Jesus will return. (v.8)
The Antichrist and all his armies will be killed "with the breath of his mouth."  This annihilation of the enemies of Christ is graphically described in Revelation 19:11-21.  "From his mouth comes a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations" (Revelation 19:15).  The word of God is often compared to a sword.  Just as God spoke the creation into existence, at His word the rebellion will be put down.

So, in light of knowing how this story will end, believers should not be disturbed in their faith by world events.  Instead, we are to "stand firm" and "hold to" what we have been taught from the Scriptures (v.15).  Sound doctrine comforts us and encourages us to "every good work and word" (v.16).

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