Tuesday, October 23, 2018

A cry for Restoration

Read Psalm 80.

On behalf of the nation, Asaph voiced their alienation from God.  Three times (vv.3, 7, 19) he prayed for the LORD to "restore us" so that they may be delivered from their distress.  The KJV translates the phrase "turn us again."

He described Israel as a vine that God had planted on this land.  The LORD cultivated the vine and gave it everything it needed to be fruitful.  Yet, instead of being a beautiful, healthy vine bearing fruit, it had been attacked, devoured, and burned.

God did not move.  They experienced this distress for a reason.  Drawn away by their own sin and disobedience, the nation had turned to other things instead of the God.  It was they who needed to return by repenting of their sin.

Here are his requests in verses 17-18 to restore his nation.
1. He prayed for the leader.
If the nation was to be all that God designed it to be, the hand of the LORD needed to be on the leader.  The "son of man" with a small "s" is a reference to the king.  Godly leadership is essential to a righteous nation.  The Apostle Paul urged that we are to pray "for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way." (1 Timothy 2:2).

2. He prayed for the people.
"Give us life."  Their current state of human existence was not working.  He cried for something more, a kind of life that only comes from God.  Jesus spoke of this in John 10:10-"I came that they may have life and have it abundantly."

Every person has physical life and breath with a heart beat for only a set number of years.  It is temporary.  The life that is offered by faith in Christ is real life.  Eternal life.  Abundant life.

We join Asaph in praying for God to turn us back to Himself and restore us today.

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