Saturday, July 21, 2018

Why talk about the weather?

Read Job 37.

Understanding when these words were written, the scientific knowledge is outstanding.  The Bible has much to say about the natural world-its origins, shapes, movements, functions and control.  It is completely accurate in every statement.

Elihu described the hydraulic cycle of the earth in the previous chapter.  Here he spoke even more of lightning, thunder, rain, snow, ice, winds and its effects on humans and animals.  The reason for his treatise is that God created and controls all of it.  And, He does so, according to verse 13, with three basic motivations:
1. For correction.
The Bible gives many examples where God has used the natural elements as instruments of His judgment.  Of course, the worldwide flood in Genesis is the prime example.

2. For his land.
The earth is dependent upon the water cycle for the soil and for life itself.

3. For love.
The blessings of different weather patterns at just the right seasons of the year provide enjoyment, refreshment, growth, food, and profit.

All of these actions are beyond any human power to control.  How then could a human argue with the One in heaven who has such sovereign power?

Then, because he felt Job's words were self-serving and self-righteous, he aimed his invitation directly at Job.
By the way, these are good for everyone to hear.
v.14-"Stop and consider the wondrous works of God."
v.24-"Therefore men fear him; he does not regard any who are wise in their own conceit."

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