Friday, May 4, 2018

What your Giving says about you

Read 2 Chronicles 31.

Someone once said that we are never more like God than when we give.  In one of the most well-known of all Bible verses, John 3:16 begins with the words, "For God so loved the world that He gave..."

King Hezekiah led the nation to restore the worship and celebration of the LORD.  The Temple and those who ministered had been marginalized and ignored for a long time.  But now the Temple had been cleaned up and the ministers were back to work again.  However, in order for the ministry to be sustained resources were essential.

Hezekiah led the people in giving on multiple levels.   They presented the required sacrifices for worship.  They began tithing of all their income.  They practiced generosity with freewill offerings over and above their tithe (v.14).

The result was abundance for God's house and God's servants (v.10).  The King and the people prospered as a result.

Too many Christians have never been taught and do not realize that there is a direct connection between a person's spiritual maturity and their financial giving.  Tithing (a tenth) has always been a base standard, before and after the law (Genesis 14, Hebrews 7).  Offerings of generosity are over and above that standard.

It is our responsibility to make sure that both the place where we worship and those who serve us are well provided for accordingly.

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