Monday, May 14, 2018

Getting back on track with God

Read Ezra 2-3.

In response to the God-given proclamation of Cyrus, king of Persia, the Jews began to return to the Promised Land.  Among those leading the people back, two names stand out.  Zerubbabel and Nehemiah provided the spiritual and project leadership the people would need.  Though 70 years had past each family knew their heritage of service to the LORD.  Those who could not prove their genealogy waited for a priest to make a decision (2:63).

First, they set up the altar.  Here sin was acknowledged and the sacrifices for atonement were made.  Next, they celebrated their faith according to the Law of Moses.  Then, they presented their freewill offerings to begin the project.

When the foundation of the Temple was laid, a formal procession followed with singers and instruments.  The song was a familiar one, recorded in several places in the Old Testament.  It is a song of praise to God.

"For he is good, for his steadfast love endures forever toward Israel."

1. God is good.  He is good to us, because He is good.  It is His nature.

2. God is love.  This is not an emotion but a commitment by covenant to His people.  Therefore, His love does not change.

3. God is faithful.  The promises He made to Abraham (becoming a great and blessed nation) and to David (regarding the kingdom) are forever just as He said.  Yes, the people may disobey.  Yes, the LORD will step in and discipline His children when needed.  But the character and the Word of God stand sure.

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