Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Is the Bible relevant to 21st century Culture?

Read 1 Corinthians 10.

Chapter 10 concludes Paul's long answer to their questions concerning Christian freedoms.  We believers have liberty because faith in Christ has cleansed our consciences.  But it is never right to sin against God or other person.  Twice (v.6, v.11) we are told that the accounts in the Old Testament are there for our examples.  By studying those stories and teaching them, we learn timeless principles about God and how He works with people.

When someone makes a statement (as some do today) that Paul did not understand human nature and the culture of the 21st Century, they obviously have never read 1 Corinthians as the word of God.  They dismiss Paul at their own peril.  The same Holy Spirit who was there at the Creation and the Exodus is the One who guided and inspired the Apostle in this writing.

Verse 6 states that we are not to "desire evil."  What exactly constitutes evil behavior?  Previously, in. 6:9-10, a partial list is given.  Here, some of the sinful behaviors of the Exodus are listed.

1. Idolatry.  Everyone worships.  Even a so-called Atheist worships and obeys his own ego and some man-made philosophy.  Replacing the God of Heaven and failing to obey Him alone is the sin of idolatry.  The God of Bible is a jealous God and will not share His glory with anyone or anything else.

2. Sexual immorality.  As clearly explained in chapter 7, sex is to be enjoyed between one man and one woman within a lifelong commitment of marriage.  All other sexual involvements are blatant sins and fall under the judgment of God.

3. Putting Christ to the test.  Pride causes a person to believe they know better than God.  This results in making decisions that violate what God has said.  A sin-filled heart thinks the Lord will not do anything in response.  The Old Testament demonstrates how God may respond.

4, Grumbling.  The Israelites complained about how God led them and the leaders He had appointed over them.  Further, they gripped about what God had provided for them every day.  Their attitudes turned to rebellion.  The Lord does know our thoughts and hears our words.

Such temptations are common to all of us (v.13).  It is hubris for one to say they are not tempted to sin and somehow they live above it all.  Note the word "therefore".
"Therefore, let anyone who thinks that he stands take heed lest he fall." (v.12)
"Therefore, my beloved, flee idolatry." (v.14)

Take heed.  Be consciously aware of the temptation.  Then, flee.  "God is faithful" and "will also provide the way of escape."  But we must be looking for the way and take it!

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