Thursday, July 28, 2016

Are you ready to give?

Read 2 Corinthians 9.

The Corinthians made a promise to help the poor believers in Jerusalem.  And, Paul had spoken highly of the church for this commitment.  However, nothing had been done.  To avoid embarrassment of Paul and the church, Titus and others were sent to help.  This was not a forceful move to compel them but simply a way to encourage and to facilitate the transport of the funds.

This chapter is coupled with chapter 8 in discussing the grace of giving.  The subject, principles and promises here concern contributing out of generosity toward a project and not tithing to the local ministry.

1. They were not ready. (vv.1-5, 7)
They said they were.  But the truth was the funds had not been collected.  There should be a place in the life of a follower of Jesus to give spontaneously to a need.  The discussion here is different.  The congregation announced a commitment to participate and over time should have already prepared the funds.  The instructions for such readiness toward a project are found in verse 7.
-"Each one"  Every individual should consider their involvement.
-"one must give as he has decided in his heart"  A decision must be made concerning the amount of participation.
-"not reluctant" A believer in Jesus is to be marked by their generous spirit and not resentful, nor hesitant about a willingness to give.
-"or under compulsion"  Since this is over and above regular support of the local ministry, generosity giving is indeed a "freewill" offering.  Not everyone may be able to financially contribute to every opportunity.
-"cheerful"  The Greek word is "hilarious."  There is joy being a part in helping minister to others.

2. They will be reaping.  (vv.6-10)
A farmer who is stingy when planting seed cannot expect much of a crop.  A law of life is "you reap what you sow."  When a person is thoughtfully generous in investing in others, they live with a bounty of returns.  A stingy person worries about the loss of giving.  A generous believer has placed their trust in God.  The Lord supplied the ability to work and the opportunity to earn.  It is all His in the first place.  Since He is the supplier, He is able to "multiply", "increase", and cause us to "be enriched in every way" when we give.

3. They will be rewarded.  (vv.11-15)
The results of giving generously come full circle.  God supplies the funds.  We are to be faithful stewards of what He has provided.  Participating in opportunities to help others is a blessing to them.  They in turn give thanks to God and glorify Him.  They, then, "long for you and pray for you, because of the surpassing grace of God upon you."  But it all started with the change God made in us because of "His inexpressible gift" to us in Christ.

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