Thursday, January 29, 2015

3 questions concerning the future Temple

Read Ezekiel 40.

In a vision, on an exact date in 573 B.C., God gave Ezekiel a tour of the future Temple.  The prophet, led by an angel, moved door by door and room by room.  A rod was used by the angel to measure each space.

Many questions commonly arise as a result of reading the closing chapters of this book.
1. Is this referring to the Temple that was rebuilt when the exiles returned?  
The Babylonians tore down and burned Solomon's beautiful edifice.  This cannot be the rebuilt Temple because the construction instructions here were not followed as this prophecy describes.

2. Is this referring to a literal Temple or is it all symbolic?
Yes, the prophet has used analogies and comparisons to illustrate some of the messages.  However, every prophecy in Ezekiel has been literal.  Those that were fulfilled to date have all been literal, which leads even the casual reader to expect that this description will be as well.

3. When, then, will this Temple be built?
There are so many prophecies concerning Israel's future that have yet to become a reality.  Overriding them all is Paul's declaration that the Jews will turn to Jesus as the Messiah and "all Israel will be saved" (Romans 11:26).  Jesus will rule and reign for a thousand years from David's throne in Jerusalem (Revelation 20:6).  These closing chapters tell that the priesthood will be reinstituted and this Temple will be built.  The location must be on the the very place where the Dome of the Rock stands today in Jerusalem.  That statement alone causes any thinking person to ask even more when and how questions.

Though we have many things written down for us in the Word of God, there are so many plans for His earth that we cannot see, nor fully comprehend.  Even more, how amazing will be the things we never thought of nor dreamed in the rest of the universe and heavens above.  Our faith is the One who created it all, who controls it all, and has chosen to invite us along on the journey.  We stand in awe of Him.

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