Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Can you hear me Now?

Read Psalm 96.

There are times to be silent.  There are times to worship the LORD in quietness.  This psalm is not for one of those times.  Notice some key words: sing, bless, tell, declare, ascribe, say.  The praise of God in this song is vocal, audible and loud so as to be heard around the world.

1. We are to Sing. (vv.1-6)
Our song is a new song.  It is different than the world sings.  The words tell how great God is in His what He has done.  In contrast, all the false gods of this world are worthless.
Question: How is my music different because of my faith in Him?

2. We are to Speak. (vv.7-10)
Our words to this world is a declaration of God's glory and honor due to Him.  It is a call to come and worship the LORD because of His sovereignty and our accountability to Him.
Question: What am I saying in my daily conversations that demonstrate this?

3. We are to Celebrate. (vv.11-13)
Our mission is to spread the message.  This is a call to all of creation itself to join us in celebrating our faith with joy and gladness.  God is right.  He is faithful.  He will judge.
Question: How will those around me today see and hear my celebration of joy and gladness?

"Come, Thou Fount of every blessing,.
Tune my heart to sing Thy grace;
Streams of mercy, never ceasing,
Call for songs of loudest praise."
-Robert Robinson

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