Friday, August 16, 2013

A Reason to Sing

Read Psalm 8.

The choir is in its place.  Imagine all the instruments in the orchestra are tuned and ready for the down beat.  There is a brief moment of tension in the air and then the choirmaster drops his hand and those first glorious sounds burst forth at full volume declaring, "O LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!"

King David wrote the words of this song by simply taking notice of what he could see.
1. He looked up. (v.3)
What he saw in the sky was not credited to an accidental bang.  They were orbs that God had specifically designed and put in their specific place.  It was His handiwork.

2. He looked at himself and others. (vv.4-6)
Taking time to consider the power of the Creator and His exalted position "above the heavens" made David feel mighty small.  True worship causes us to humble ourselves before God.  Yet, look at how the LORD has entrusted His creation to mankind.  Notice then that humans did not come from these other creatures and they are not equal to human life.  People are His handiwork.

3. He looked down. (vv.7-8)
These creatures are God's property.  He established their kind and their various behaviors, but He has given this stewardship and "dominion" to humans.  We are in charge of His handiwork.

Everywhere he looked he saw the majesty of the LORD.  It caused David to praise God in song.

When you look at the sky and the earth, what do you see?

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