Monday, October 1, 2012

5 Qualities that United a Nation

Read 2 Samuel 4-5.

Abner, the general of Israel's army had been murdered.  When Ishbosheth, Saul's son serving as king, he lost hope and his two top military leaders lost faith in his leadership.  They killed Ishbosheth.  Then, they brought the head of Ishbosheth to David, believing they had done him a great favor.  Once again, David demonstrated his sterling character.

-As an honorable warrior, killing a man in his sleep was a dishonorable act to David. 
-As Saul's son-in-law, David refused to rejoice in the death of anyone in the family, even though they treated him as an enemy. 
-As a humble servant, David he was quick to give the LORD the credit for delivering him from trouble. 
-As a godly man, he had no tolerance for wickedness.
-As a righteous leader, he treated other leaders with respect.

Who would not want such a man to lead the nation?  All the other tribes came to officially proclaim David as king and, thus, united the kingdom once again.    Saul had reigned for 40 years.  David reigned for the next 40 years, until he died at age 70.

He reclaimed Jerusalem as his headquarters and the city became known as the city of David.  His home, his family and his leadership all thrived.  When challenged by the Philistines, he relied on God and there was a great victory.

Here is the key thought to know and to cling to from this section:
4:9-"...the LORD lives, who has redeemed my life out of every adversity..."
And, this same LORD ever lives to deliver us today.  Trust Him.

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