Saturday, October 6, 2012

3 Leadership Traits of a Godly Superpower

Read 2 Samuel 8.

Once in full command of the unified nation of Israel, David expanded the kingdom by defeating all the surrounding enemies.  He made survivors to be servants of the kingdom.  The wealth of the spoils he brought back to Jerusalem.  A ruthless, dictator would have abused this power and wealth for his own selfish aggrandizement.  But not David.

Why?  What made this superpower of the day different?

1. The leader recognized the ultimate source of all power and authority. 
Twice in this chapter we are told "the LORD gave victory to David wherever he went."  As good a warrior as David was, it would never be enough to sustain a lasting kingdom and achieve God's expectations. 

2. The leader recognized the ultimate Owner of all things.
David was to be a faithful steward of all that God had allowed him to have.  Concerning the gold, silver and bronze that he amassed in Jerusalem, verse 11 states, "These also King David dedicated to the LORD..."  Giving ten percent to God was not enough for this leader.  One of the evidences that God is at work in a life is generosity.

3. The leader recognized that God had sovereignly chosen him.
God placed him in this position of leadership to be a faithful steward of the people.  In great contrast to selfish rulers or corrupt kings, "David administered justice and equity to all his people."

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