Thursday, July 4, 2024

The making of a Legacy

 Read Genesis 47. 

Joseph walked into the presence of the most powerful man in the world and presented his family.  Pharaoh's appreciation and trust of Joseph is seen vividly when he extended to them the best of the land.  It was the land of Goshen, or as it is called in 47:11, the land of Rameses.  The lush, river basin section of Egypt was ideal for Israel's herds.   

Meanwhile, the drought and famine continued.  Year by year the resulting economic depression worsened.  The Egyptians traded all they had for food.  Thanks to the God-inspired preparation, Joseph led in controlling the food supply, the people, and all the land.  The result was that Pharaoh owned everything in Egypt.  This established a future taxation system of a 20% on all produce.  The people responded by saying, "You have saved our lives." (v.25) 

Joseph could never have imagined how God would use him like this during the days of his imprisonment.  When one is in the midst of suffering, it is difficult to trust that God has a plan for our good and the impact it will have on others.  But in the Lord's timing and our faithfulness, the plan will come to light. 

-What if Joseph had rebelled during his slavery?  

-What if he had given in to temptation?  

-What if he had been sloppy in his work?  

-What if his heart had not been right with God when Pharaoh asked for help with his dream?  

-What if Joseph harbored bitterness and an unforgiving spirit toward his family?  

Gratefully, we will never know.  This man stayed true to his faith through it all.  The Lord not only blessed Joseph but his family and the entire nation. 

A British preacher by the name of Henry Varley famously said, "The world has yet to see what God can do with a man fully consecrated to him."  When D. L. Moody heard that statement in 1873 he replied, "By God's help, I aim to be that man."  Moody's legacy continues to this day.  Our legacy is at work right now.


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