Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Going in the will of God

 Read Genesis 46. 

The brothers returned and told their father, Jacob, the good news.  Joseph was alive.  The family was reconciled.  They had all been invited to move to Egypt and live in prosperity in the midst of a world-wide famine. 

But what about their land that God had given to Abraham and his descendants?  This question had to be on Jacob's mind with no little angst.    Was this what God wanted them to do?  Was this the right decision?  If for no other reason the family needed to move for sheer survival.  It seemed they had no choice but to go.

 Jacob packed up everything they owned and all 66 of them headed for Egypt.  But before he set foot outside the land God gave them, Jacob stopped for a time of worship.  He offered sacrifices to the LORD.  Then, God gave the confirmation of His will. 

Someone once remarked that you cannot steer an object that is not moving.  Once Jacob became willing to move out in faith, God made His word clear to him.  This time, as before in Jacob's life, God revealed His word through a vision in the night.  With the dream came sure and certain promises.

1. "I not be afraid.."  God is the great I AM.  He is always in the present tense, eternally existent.  His presence with us is not limited by time or place.  This assurance of God's personal and powerful presence is enough.

2. "...there I will make you into a great nation."  They left Canaan as a family but they became a nation in Egypt.  God had a plan for developing this nation and the move to Egypt was a strategic part of it.    

3. "I will bring you up again..."  The Lord foretold Abraham about this sojourn back in 15:13-16, even mentioning that they would be there for 400 years.  God also included the promise of their return.  The covenant made with Abraham and his descendants would not change.  The land was theirs by promise.  The family was growing and would become a great nation.  God would bless them and they would be a blessing. 

Life is a journey.  As followers of Christ, we want to be certain that we are where God wants us to be, doing what God wants done.  


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