Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Is it okay to Grumble?

 Read Exodus 16.

The people lost vision of why they were there, how they got there, and who the real leader was.  When that happens, invariably a longing for the "good old days" arises.  This is the second instance where the people actually said they longed to go back to slavery!

They feared their immediate needs were not being met and so they accused Moses of not listening to them, leaving them alone, and that it was all his fault.  But God was their leader.  They were there by direct answer to their prayers and fulfillment of God's promises to them.  They had just witnessed the incredible power of God in wiping out the entire Egyptian army to protect them.  How soon we humans forget and how quick we are to blame!

The LORD planned all along to supply their needs.  This was a test.  He most often waits until there is no answer to the challenge without Divine intervention.  How one behaves while waiting is a test.  And, then our use of the resources He supplies is another test.  Both are seen in this chapter.

But, isn't it okay with God to tell how you truly feel?  When does expressing one's personal feelings cross the line to become grumbling and sinful?
1. When it is expressed in anger.  Yes, we have all experienced hurt that leads to anger.  We can even mentally justify the vengeance.  The emotions are understandable, but they must be quickly resolved.  Unresolved anger can destroy a person from the inside out.

2. When it is expressed with no intent to resolve anything.  This is complaining to complain.  Sometimes folks just like echoing bad news with no thought of working on a solution.  

3. When it is expressed repetitively and based on a personal bias or agenda.  Notice that this is not just a statement of disappointment, but this happens when one will not let it go.  We do this when we do not get our own way, when others did not do it our way, or it is not done on our time table.

4. When it attacks and blames other people.  Almost all the time, there are other humans involved.  However, a spiritually mature person wants to deal with the emotion of the moment quickly so they do not miss what God is doing.  When it does not make sense to us, our faith in God's goodness, His plan, and His provisions are being tested.

God will be faithful.  Will we?


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