Tuesday, July 2, 2024

4 Steps to Reconciliation

 Read Genesis 45. 

Slowly, the story unfolded. The process was used by God to confront their unresolved sin.  Though more than 20 years had passed, the guilt surfaced openly.  Numbers 32:23-"...be sure your sin will find you out."  God uses guilt as a good thing.  It motivates us to finally deal with what is wrong and seek to make it right.  

Joseph pushed his brothers to the limit and he could bear it no longer. 

As the leader and the person wronged, Joseph took the initiative.  He initiated four steps beginning in verse 4.

1. He offered reconciliation ("Come").

2. He expressed forgiveness ("Do not be distressed or angry with yourselves").

3. He revealed his understanding of God's plan in the circumstances ("God sent me").

4. He blessed them (45:11-"I will provide for you"). 

This is a wonderful picture of how God treats us.  We sinned against Him.  Yet, He initiated reconciliation by sending Jesus.  He paid the debt for our forgiveness on the cross, once for all.  He loved us first.  He reveals His design and plan for our lives.  He blesses us with eternal life and provides for us daily. 

We demonstrate our relationship with God when we treat others the way He treats us.

1. We forgive others, not because they deserve it, nor ask for it.

2. We initiate reconciliation with others, even when they do not desire it...yet.

3. We reveal to others what we have learned and understand of God's plan for our lives.

4. We seek to serve others and be a blessing to them. 

Ephesians 4:32-"Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you."


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