Saturday, July 6, 2024

Passing on our blessed Hope

 Read Genesis 49. 

These are the last recorded words of Jacob.  It was customary for the patriarch of the family to make such formal pronouncements, usually in the form of a blessing.  The statements are based upon the personal character and proven traits of each of the twelve sons.  However, in addition, God gave Jacob prophetic insight into their futures. 

For Reuben, Simeon and Levi, their previous actions cost them. 

Joseph received the most attention.  He was the firstborn of the beloved Rachel and his father's favorite son.  Jacob delivered a special blessing upon him. 

Of the twelve, it is the prophecy to Judah that affects the rest of the Bible.   

Matthew 1 confirms that Messiah's lineage came through Judah.  Humanly, Jacob could not have known that at the time, but now with the rest of scripture complete, his words to Judah are fascinating.

1. The family will praise him, even bow down before him. v.8a, 8c

2. He will be victorious over his enemies. v.8b

3. He is referred to as a lion. v.9

4. He will rule as a king. v. 10

5. He will bring in a time of prosperity, even opulence. vv.11-13


Compare that list to some of the passages about Jesus, the Messiah.

1. " the name of Jesus every knee should bow..." (Philippians 2:9-11)

2. "...I make your enemies a footstool for your feet..." (Hebrews 1:13)

3. "...the Lion of the tribe of Judah..." (Revelation 5:5)

4. "But of the Son he says, 'Your throne, O God, is forever and ever, the scepter of uprightness is the scepter of your kingdom." (Hebrews 1:8)

5. Isaiah 65:17-25 describes the Millennial Kingdom of peace and prosperity when Messiah reigns on earth.  

While we enjoy the blessings of a personal relationship with Jesus today, untold future blessings await for those who know Him.  Pass this blessed hope on to others.


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