Friday, July 26, 2024

Basic organizational Wisdom

 Read Exodus 18. 

This is a perfect follow up to Chapter 17 that leaders cannot do it alone.  Proverbs speaks in several places to the issue of listening to wise counsel.  Here is a prime example.  Note that Jethro's first concern was not for Moses, but for the people.  It was not possible for one man to adequately serve the needs of millions of people case by case. 

Moses stated that the people needed help in three areas:

1. Intercession.  Prayer.  They needed to hear from God and know His will.  Prayer on behalf of the people is a major work for every leader.

2. Intervention.  Conflict resolution.  Someone with authority was needed to listen to both sides and apply wisdom to real issues.  Building and maintaining unity within the organization is a never-ending quest of any leader.

3. Instruction.  Teaching God's Word.  The people need to know what God had already said clearly so they can align their lives accordingly. 

Jethro's wisdom is found in his statement that the leader cannot meet these needs alone.  His advice was for Moses to lead in three key areas:

1. "Represent the people before God."  The leader cannot delegate his own prayer life and intercession on behalf of those for whom he is responsible.

2. "You shall warn them about the statutes and laws..."  The leader must be a primary spokesperson regarding what God has said and how the people should then live.

3. "Look for able men from all the people."  Enlisting qualified persons to surround the leader for the purpose of delegating responsibility and authority is crucial to the survival of any organization. 

Jethro even provided the qualifications for the enlistees.

1. "Able."  They have what it takes to do the job.

2. "Fear God."  They have demonstrated a lifestyle that honors the LORD and His word.

3. "Trustworthy."  They have shown themselves faithful in character and performance.    

The benefits and requirements:

1. The leader's load is lighter, but he must be willing to let go of the work others can do.

2. The other leaders are empowered to serve and assume responsibility, but they must be willing to step up and share the load.

3. The people are better cared for, but they must be willing to be served by appointed leaders.


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