Monday, March 18, 2024

There has been a Change

 Read Hebrews 7.

Under the Old Testament Law, there was a professional priesthood.  Access to the very presence of God in the Tabernacle was restricted.  No work could be done on Saturday (the Sabbath).  Animal sacrifices were continually made to cover personal sin.  But then Jesus came. 

A change was made.  Step by step, in these middle chapters of Hebrews, Jesus is presented as the new and forever High Priest of our faith.  "For when there is a change in the priesthood, there is necessity a change in the law as well." (v.12)

Believers in Jesus are not under the Old Testament Law administered by the Aaronic priesthood.  We live by the grace of God under a New Covenant.  Therefore:
1. With Jesus as the High Priest, every follower of His is a priest of God.
"You yourselves like living stones are being built up as a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ."  (1 Peter 2:5)  Under the New Testament, we have pastors and ministers who serve the local church, not priests at a Temple.

2. With Jesus as the High Priest, we have direct access to God.
At the crucifixion of Christ, God the Father tore the curtain in the Tabernacle that separated direct access to His holy presence.  Now, there is no one, living or dead, who can stand between the believer and throne of grace.  "For there is one God and one mediator between God and man, the man Christ Jesus." (1 Timothy 1:5)  "...a better hope is introduced, through which we draw near to God." (v.19)  "...he always lives to make intercession for them." (v.25c)  "Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need." (Hebrews 4:16)

3. With Jesus as the High Priest, we worship on the first day of the week.
Sabbath is the seventh day, commemorating the completion of creation.  The work was done and a day of rest was established by God.  But, since the resurrection of Jesus on that Sunday morning, believers have historically gathered on Sunday, celebrating the day of resurrection and new beginnings. (1 Corinthians 16:2)

4. With Jesus as the High Priest, we no longer offer sacrifices for sin. 
The New Covenant was established by the blood of Christ on the cross over 2000 years ago.  "...he did this once for all when he offered up himself." (v.27b)  The atoning sacrifice of God's Lamb has been made.  It is senseless to call upon Him to symbolically bleed again and again, as some do.  Through the personal acceptance of that gift to us, we stand forgiven before God.

5. With Jesus as the High Priest, there will be no more change.
Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is forever our one and only access.  Jesus said, "...No one comes to the Father, except through me." (John 14:6)  "...the Son of God continues a priest forever." (v.3)  "You are priest forever..." (vv.17 and 21)  "But he holds his priesthood permanently, because he continues forever." (v.24)  "...since he always lives..." (v.25)  "...who has been made perfect forever." (v.28) 

"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation.  The old has passed away; behold, the new has come." (2 Corinthians 5:17)


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