Thursday, February 1, 2024

Dead man Walking

 Read Ephesians 2.

After presenting a strong doctrinal case for what believers have in Christ, the letter now turns to recalling how and why this happened.

1. Where were we? (vv.1-3)
-Dead.  Before a person puts their personal faith in Jesus they are without true spiritual life.
-Disobedient.  Human life on its own cannot please God.  Before receiving Jesus one can only follow their sinful, natural desires which are energized by the devil himself.
-Doomed.  Without Jesus, "all" (v.3) people are destined to experience the consequences of their sin: God's eternal wrath.  (John 3:36)

2. What happened? (vv.4-7)
"But God."  When the God of heaven steps in, He changes everything.  It was impossible for us to be good enough to escape eternal judgment.  Note the Biblical statements describing the character of God.
-rich in mercy
-great in love
-immeasurable in kindness 
"But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." (Romans 5:8)

3. How did this change take place? (vv.8-10)
Our only hope of rescue was by the gracious intervention of God.  No one can earn their way to being saved from eternal torment.  No one can do anything to pay for a single sin.  The offer of Christ's full and final payment for the sin of the world comes only from the grace of God.  It becomes effective for each individual when they believe God's offer through faith alone.  Not only does one's personal destiny change but for the first time they can begin to understand their purpose in life.  It is not about our works, but God's workmanship; how and why He has created us.  (John 1:12)

4. Where are we now? (vv.11-22)
The Apostle Paul addressed one our biggest problems.  We humans are forgetful.  Twice, he stated "remember."   First, remember what life was like before faith in Jesus.  "But now in Christ" look what we have and what God is doing in and through us.
-we have been brought near to God by the blood of Christ
-we have peace with God because of Christ
-we have direct access to God because of Christ
-we are fellow citizens with all other believers, members of the household of God, working with Christ and each other in fulfilling His plans.


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