Saturday, September 16, 2023

3 essentials for overcoming Temptation

 Read Luke 4.

Few chapters reveal the deity and simultaneous humanity of Christ as this chapter.  If Jesus was not God, this spiritual encounter would have never taken place.  The comments and challenges of Satan would make no sense.  If Jesus were not human, the offers of Satan would not be temptations at all.  He is truly God in the flesh as John 1 describes. 

All true followers of Jesus can identify with the human temptations to sin.  By Jesus’ example of responses we may learn how to overcome temptation.

1. Provision.  (vv.1-4)
Food is a basic human need.  The hunger was real.  After a 40 day fast, nourishment became life-saving.  The temptation was to misuse Jesus' ability, almost like a magic act.  In truth, He would have been doing the will of Satan.  The answer was that there is more to life than meeting a physical need.  .

God the Father's provision was already on its way.  Matthew 4:11 states that when Satan left, angels came and ministered to Him.  This is the principle on which we stand.  Jesus said in Matthew 6 that we are not to worry about what we shall eat, or drink, or clothes to wear because our Heavenly Father already knows our needs.  In faith, we trust Him to take care of us by putting Him and His work first in our lives.

2. Power.  (vv.5-8)
Satan is a liar, a deceiver, and a destroyer of those who yield to him.  He has been allowed to exercise limited power on this earth.  His claim that the kingdoms of the world have been given to him and that he has the authority to give them to others is not true.  But all temptations are based upon a lying deception of a false fulfillment.  Again, this was an attempt to get the Son of God to do Satan's will.  The response from Jesus was not to argue against his statement but to refocus on the real issue.  There is only One who is to be worshiped and served.

The truth is that Jesus is the Creator of all things (Colossians 1) and He is the rightful Owner (Psalm 24:1).  As He said in Matthew 28:18, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me."  Our response in times of temptation to sin is to remember the truth and practice our worship and service of the Lord.

3. Protection.  (vv.9-12)
Again, this is an attempt to get Jesus to do his will and for Jesus to perform for him.  Interestingly, Satan knows and can even quote Scripture.  Is the passage from Psalm 91 true?  Yes.  But Jesus would have none of it.  His response that the Lord God was not to be put to the test ended the conversation. 

God has promised to take care of us.  But, that does not include foolish decisions of presumption.  Is God able to rescue us from jumping off a cliff?  Yes, He is able.  But, He is more likely to allow us to suffer the consequences of our stupidity. 

Three proactive steps in overcoming temptation:
1. Jesus never wavered from His purpose for being here.  Without understanding God's purpose for our lives, we will spend our days only in temporal activities.   
2. Jesus quoted Scripture.  God has given us His word in writing as the one and only offensive weapon for winning spiritual battles (Ephesians 6).  Learning and being able to call to remembrance exactly what God has said is vital.
3. Jesus was full of the Holy Spirit (v.1).  After the temptations, Jesus "returned in the power of the Spirit" (v.14).  He claimed that the Spirit of the Lord was upon Him (v.18).  He ministered to the needs of others and taught in the power of the Holy Spirit (vv.22, 32 and 36).

How much more do we who seek to live for Jesus need these three things every moment of the day!


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