Saturday, May 27, 2023

Attitudes toward God determine how we treat People

 Read Amos 2.

His name means "burden bearer" and, indeed, Amos bore the burden of declaring God's judgments.  While seven neighboring nations are included, the primary audience in this book is the northern kingdom of Israel.

The sins that brought about these punishments mostly involved their mistreatment and abuse of people.  However, the sin of Judah was generally stated as "they have rejected the law of the LORD and not kept his statutes" (v.4).

Concerning Israel, the list of sins is longer than any of the others.
1. They showed no pity on the poor and sold them into slavery. (v.6)
2. They oppressed the poor with a corrupted judicial system. (v.7a)
3. They openly practiced sex outside of marriage.  Note that God took it personally as against His holy name. (v.7b)
4. They allowed the poor to use their coats as loan collateral in violation of God's specific laws against this. (v.8a)
5. They used confiscated wine to drink in a so-called act of worship. (v.8b)
6. They rebelled against God after He delivered them and made them to prosper. (vv.9-12)

The result would be that no one will escape when the judgment falls on Israel.  The Assyrian invasion was brutal.  Those who were not killed lost everything as they were scattered far and wide.

This passage should cause us to think about our own attitudes, particularly as it relates to our treatment of the poor.  The Apostle James wrote: "Listen, my beloved brothers, has not God chosen those who are poor in the world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom, which he has promised to those who love him?....If you really fulfill the royal law according to the Scripture, 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself,' you are doing well.  But if you show partiality, you are committing sin..." (James 2:5-9) 

A person's attitude toward God will inevitably be seen in the way they treat people.  If one is angry at God, they will be angry with others.  If they claim independence of God, they will act arrogantly toward others.  If they chose to ignore the God who loves them, they will also choose to ignore the people who love them.


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