Sunday, March 19, 2023

God's purpose in a time of great Loss

 Read Ezekiel 24.

Ezekiel, Daniel and many others had already been taken captive.  Living in and around the city of Babylon, the exiled Jews were dependent upon messengers for news from Jerusalem.  Here, before the fugitive messenger arrived (v.26), God gave the prophet a parable and a sign to let the people know in advance what was taking place.

The date was January 15, 588 B.C. when Nebuchadnezzar laid siege to Jerusalem.  This day is so important it is mentioned in this chapter and three other times (2 Kings 25:1, Jeremiah 39:1 and 52:4). 

The Parable of the Pot
To describe what was happening in Jerusalem, the LORD used a parable of cooking with a rusty pot.

Scene One. (vv.3-8)
Jerusalem was like a pot with rust and build up inside.  Choice meat had been placed in it for cooking.  When the heat was applied and the water boiled, all the impurities rose to the surface.   Predictably, the meal was ruined. Nothing could be done, except to dump it out.  God placed His best in that city, but their rebellion against Him corrupted all that was good.  The time had come for cleansing.  The LORD used the Babylonians to empty the city.

Scene Two. (vv.9-14)
Starting over with an empty pot, the hot fire of God's judgment will cleanse Jerusalem of all that corrupted it.  His judgment was a certainty.

The Sign of Sorrow (vv.15-27)
To prepare the people for this great loss, the LORD used a tragedy in Ezekiel's own life.  God gave the prophet his sobering message for the people, but that evening his wife died.  The impact and explanation of the sign proved true on multiple levels.
-For Ezekiel, his wife had been the delight of his eyes and now she was gone. (v.15)
-For the Jews, Jerusalem had been "the pride of your power, the delight of your eyes, and the yearning of your soul..." (v.21).  But now she was gone.
-For God, Jerusalem was His "sanctuary", His holy place.  Now, for a time, it will be destroyed.

In order to gain attention, Ezekiel was instructed not to grieve as would be normal and expected.  When the people asked why, then he was to deliver the message.  The response that God desired was not for the people to mourn their loss but to realize that God is the Sovereign LORD and there is no other.  When the LORD is all you have, He is all you need.

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