Saturday, January 28, 2023

Did you really mean what you Prayed?

 Read Jeremiah 42.

Prayer is not just saying the right words.  Prayer involves submission of our will to God's will.

The courageous Johanan rescued the people of Mizpah who had been taken by Ishmael.  With the murder of the governor of Judah and some of the Babylonian representatives, Nebuchadnezzar would surely retaliate.  To avoid any more battles, Johanan was leading the group in an escape to Egypt.  On the way, they stopped to ask Jeremiah to pray for them.

Their requests in verses 2-3 have all the appearances of sincerity and godliness.
1. Mercy.
God had inflicted His judgment upon Judah.  Now, this remnant desired His compassion.  Food was in extreme short supply.  They were frightened by the prospect of the Babylonian revenge, even though these people were innocent.  They wanted God's intervention.

2.  Direction.
Should we go or stay?  If we go, will God bless us in Egypt?  If we stay, where should we settle?  They asked for God's will and His leadership.

3. Wisdom.
They wanted to know what God wanted them to do.  In the truest sense, this was an opportunity for a brand new start.  Everything was in front of them.  Decisions needed to be made.

These prayer requests were followed by strong words of commitment, even before they knew the answers.  They promised to obey God no matter what.  "Good or bad, whether we like it or not, we will do what God wants done." 

God did answer them.  They were to stay in the land of Canaan.  There would be no need to fear.  God promised He would take care of them.  However, if they disobeyed and journeyed to Egypt, they would die and experience the very things they were trying to avoid.

But, they had already made up their minds to go to Egypt.  Their words to Jeremiah proved empty.  Their plans were set; they just wanted God to bless their disobedience.  They willfully marched headlong into disaster.  Isaiah 53:6 states that wanting to go our own way is the essence of sin against God.

How God desires for us to cast our total dependence upon Him.
"All to Jesus I surrender, All to Him I freely give;
I will ever love and trust Him, In His presence daily live."
J.W. Van DeVenter

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