Friday, April 22, 2022

Rethinking the benefits of our Faith

 Read Psalm 103.

King David shouted in song, "Bless the LORD, O my soul."  Then, he encouraged everyone else to join him. 
Praising the LORD expresses our great gratitude for all that God has done and is doing.  This is not a church exercise, but a personal attitude that flows into each moment of the day.  No matter how great the stress or loss, one cannot be negative or depressed with this heavenly perspective.

Here is David's list of benefits in living for the LORD.
1. He provides our health. (v.3)
Each breath is a gift from God.  As long as He allows us to be here, He has a purpose for us.

2. He satisfies with His goodness. (v.5)
God is good.  It is His nature.  Therefore, He is good to us.  When a person opens their hearts to Him, they realize this truth and He fills it to overflowing with His goodness.  There is no other contentment like this.

3.  He does what is right and just. (v.6)
These character qualities of the LORD are repeated throughout the Bible.  Sooner or later, the hand of God will always do what is right and correct every wrong.

4. He extends His grace. (v.10)
God "does not deal with us according to our sins".  It is His grace to us that provides all these benefits of our faith.

5. He forgives our sins. (v.12)
"As far as the east is from the west, so far does he remove our transgressions from us."  

6. He gives love and mercy. (vv.13-14)
God does not give us what we deserve, but as a loving father shows compassion.

7. He offers eternal redemption. (vv.15-16)
Without His intervention of salvation in Christ, we have no hope.  Notice the temporal contrast later in this psalm.

Now, that is David's list.  What is on your list today?  Take time to tell the LORD in prayer and thank Him for all His benefits to you.


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