Saturday, January 29, 2022

6 things we need when life does not go our Way

 Read Psalm 37. 

A believer in Jesus may tithe and be driving a car that needs to be replaced.  Meanwhile, the local drug dealer buys a new luxury car.  We may work hard at our jobs and try to stay ahead.  Meanwhile, a co-worker lies, inflates their numbers, and gets promoted.  How are we to respond? 

Three times David admonished not to worry about evil doers and the wicked who prosper (vv.1, 7-8).  If our focus is only on temporal gain, we will become discouraged.  But the believer's perspective looks at the end.  This life is as good as it will get for the unbeliever and has only eternal punishment ahead. 

Here is the principle: "Better is the little that the righteous has than the abundance of many wicked" (v.16). 

So, what are we to think and do?

1. "Trust in the LORD." (v.3)

"Those who seek the LORD lack no good thing." (Psalm 34:10) 

2. "Do good." (v.3)

Our job is to continue to be honest, faithful, and helpful, adding value to everyone around us.  We are not to allow any envy of evil gain to taint our thinking or behavior. 

3. "Delight yourself in the LORD." (v.4)

Literally, "keep your heart soft for God".  If we are not careful, the cares of this world can harden our hearts and cause us to be cynical.  He knows what we need.  Our greatest need is to keep our eyes and attention on Jesus.  Our eternal future is where the true rewards are being stored up for us. 

4. "Commit your way to the LORD." (v.5)

Surrendering one's self to God is the starting point of a successful life.  Give it all to Him and follow through by obeying His word.  "This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it.  For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success."  (Joshua 1:8) 

5. "Be still before the LORD and wait patiently for him." (v. 7)

This is where our faith is put to the test.  If we truly trust God and have committed our lives to His plan for us, then how do we behave when things do not go our way immediately?  Waiting on God's timing, waiting while He works in the lives of those around us, waiting while He works mightily in us is part of the spiritual growth process. 

6. "Refrain from anger." (v.8)

We cannot allow our emotions to control us when we experience injustices and things are not resolved on our time table.  That is why we need numbers 1-5 above in place first.


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