Friday, October 22, 2021

4 Elements of courageous Faith

 Read Esther 4. 

The total annihilation of the Jews had been decreed.  Throughout the empire the Jews were in public mourning, fasting, and prayer.  Living in the palace, Queen Esther had no idea what was taking place.  When Mordecai conveyed the proclamation to her, he requested that she go to the king to beg and plead on behalf of her people.  After all, ultimately Esther's own life was at stake. 

Under Persian law, anyone who barged in to see the king would be put to death.  These two cousins provide some of the greatest examples of faith in the entire Bible. 

1. Absolute trust in God's promises. (v.14)

If you do not intervene, God will use someone else.

Notice Mordecai's faith.  It was not in Esther.  He knew the covenant promises of God to Abraham and to David.  Though persecuted, one way or another, God would take care of His people. 

2.  Absolute trust in God's timing. (v.14)

"Who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?"

All of the events of her life, Mordecai's training of her, and her promotion to Queen of Persia came down to this one decision.  At the 1936 Olympic Games in Berlin, Jesse Owens said, "This is it.  A lifetime of training for just ten seconds." 

3. Absolute trust in prayer. (v.16)

Esther could not face this moment on her own.  She needed God's help to give her favor with the king.  Her preparation included three days of fasting and prayer by everyone involved. 

4. Absolute trust in the outcome. (v.16)

Esther courageously went forward without knowing how it would turn out.  She believed so strongly that this was the right thing to do, she was willing to put her life on the line. 

"Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen."  Hebrews 11:1

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