Friday, April 2, 2021

Everyone Loves a Happy Ending

 Read Ruth 4. 

Boaz arrived early at the gate of the city where official business was conducted.  He obviously prepared what he would say.  He knew the man would be coming and waited for him.  At first, the deal was presented only as a real estate transaction.  But truly Boaz had only one thing in mind and that was Ruth. 

This unnamed nearer kinsman became eager for Boaz to step in.  The reason had to do with the law.  To refuse outright would have meant public shame.  The custom was that one took possession of land by literally walking upon the soil.  Symbolically, by removing his shoe the man gave up his right to walk on that soil as the owner.  Because this was a friendly transaction, there was no spitting in his face, as Deuteronomy would have required. 

The story of Ruth is an exception during the time of the Judges when "everyone did what was right in their own eyes".   Here we are told that not everyone rebelled against God. 

Who does not love a happy ending?  This is one of the best in the Bible. 

Boaz became a happy husband and father. 

Naomi's bitterness was changed to praises to God for what He has done in providing for them. (v.14) 

Ruth, the Moabite, embraced the LORD, the people of God, and now a husband who had redeemed her from the destitute situation of widowhood.  She became a mother.  Indeed, she was the great-grandmother of King David.  

By the way, this story took place in the city of Bethlehem and would become known as the city of David.  Over a thousand years later, the Roman government sent out a decree that all the world should be taxed (Luke 2).  Mary and Joseph journeyed to Bethlehem of Judea for the registration.  That is where Jesus was born.  Ruth is one of five women mentioned in Matthew 1 in the lineage of the Messiah. 

It is a great reminder that as long as we have breath our story is not over.  God has a wonderful plan for our lives if we trust Him.


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