Sunday, January 10, 2021

Is there anything sacred to you?

 Read Leviticus 19 

"You shall be holy, for I the LORD your God am holy."  (19:2) 

Beginning in Exodus, God speaks of holy ground, holy ceremonies, holy day, holy garments, and other holy things.  In 11:44, holiness became personal: "...and be holy, for I am holy."  No longer was the word used of objects and places, but now God commanded His people to "be" holy.  And the primary reason for personal holiness is that our character and behavior are to reflect the character and behavior of God Himself. 

The word "holy" means sacred.  Something sacred has been set apart from other stuff and dedicated to God.  It is treated with care, protected, and honored.  

Watch and listen to the culture around you.  The way people speak, the way they dress, the way they treat others is largely disrespectful.  Anything goes and everyone else is expected to be tolerant.  Good manners have commonly been forsaken.  Society has become lax in standards of behavior.  Honor is rare instead of the norm.  Making promises and keeping commitments are neglected or negotiable.  Respect for others, respect for oneself, is an exception.  Respect for God and His name is nearly gone.  Think for example how many times a day people around you will use the phrase "Oh my God" (OMG for texters) and not once think of the violation of using the LORD's name in vain.  Cussing and profanity is so prevalent that even believers in Jesus commonly use words that I will not print here.  We live in a world where almost nothing is sacred anymore. 

But those who know and love God are commanded to be holy.  The difference will be noticeable.  As one wag put it, "If you were on trial for being a Christian, what evidence would be presented to convict you?" 

Next, God gives some more specific examples of how this works out in real life.  He speaks of how parents are to be revered, about worship, about sacrificial giving, about treatment of the poor, treatment of others, the use of omens, fortunetelling and the like for life guidance instead of God's word, treatment of one's physical body, the treatment of the elderly.  

In short, " shall love your neighbor as yourself: I am the LORD." (19:18)  When one does not like themselves, they will not treat themselves very well and certainly will not love others as they should. 

So, what is sacred to you?  What will you fight with all you have not to violate?

-Is your thinking sacred (holy) before the LORD?

-Is your speech sacred (holy) before the LORD?

-Is the way you treat your body sacred (holy) before the LORD?

-Is the way you treat those around you sacred (holy) before the LORD?

-Is your lifestyle and behavior sacred (holy) before the LORD?

-Is your worship of God sacred (holy) before the LORD?

1 comment:

  1. Larry,

    Your message is timely. Those who know and love God are commanded to be holy, but we fail daily in our thoughts, words, and deeds. Thank you.
