Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Is the Bible really Necessary?

Read 2 Timothy 3.

Cecil Dichard once said, "Give me a Bible and a candle and shut me up in a dungeon and I will tell you what the world is doing."

The opening paragraph of this chapter is as relevant as if it had been penned this morning.  How is that possible?  In 2,000 years human nature has not changed one bit.  The Apostle Paul lists nineteen qualities of bad character.  One would expect such descriptions to be of those who were against religious beliefs.  But the sad truth is Paul refers to some pretenders influencing the church.  "...having an appearance of godliness, but denying its power." (v.5) 

These false teachers, who have been cited previously, are counterfeits.  They use some of the same vocabulary but what they communicate is, in fact, not God's word.  Gullible, needy, and vulnerable people become their prey in order to gain a following (v.6).

"BUT AS FOR YOU..." In verse 14, the charge begins.  Genuine followers of Christ are marked by two indispensable characteristics:
1. Belief in Jesus based upon the Scriptures. (v.15)
"The sacred writings, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus." "And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved." (Acts 4:12)

2. Behavior based upon the Scriptures. (vv.16-17)
"All Scripture is breathed out by God"- That statement makes the Bible an inerrant, infallible source of what God wants us to know.  It is the final written authority to which a believer submits.
"...and is profitable"-The benefits in understanding and applying the word of God will be demonstrated in a changed life.  The value of the Bible includes teaching (for right belief), reproof (for wrong belief), correction (for wrong behavior), training in righteousness (for right behavior).

"SO THAT..."  There are two purposes for God giving us the Scriptures.
1. That a person of God "may be complete".  Without saturating one's life in God's word there will always be a lack in belief and in behavior.
2. That a person of God "may be equipped for every good work."  Without a solid Scriptural foundation our activities will soon lose their God-given mission.  Ministry will become philanthropic at best rather than eternally transformational in the lives we serve.


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