Thursday, January 23, 2020

Answering our culture's Questions

Read Matthew 22.

The questions kept coming.  Each major group took their turn in attempts to entrap Jesus.  If they could catch Him in some inflammatory statement, then they could justify getting rid of Jesus.  However, every such try not only failed but frustrated their rejections even more.  Notice the hot topics with which they confronted Him.

1. Politics. (vv.15-22)
Here is a strange alignment of Pharisees, who were the ruling group of the Temple, with the Herodians, who held strict allegiance to Rome.  They were at tense odds with each other over the governing of Israel.  Yet, they came together on this occasion.  The question seems to reveal that the Pharisees wanted to use the Herodians and the power of Rome to deal with Jesus.

The answer concerning taxes was direct and clear.  It should have pleased both parties.  Jesus' not so subtle statement reminded them that God owns it all.

2. Theology. (vv.23-33)
If they could not start an argument over politics, perhaps they would be successful debating religion.  The Sadducees were the liberals, who did not believe all that the Scriptures taught.  Ezekiel 1 and Isaiah 6 gave glimpses of what heaven will be like.  But these liberals had their own views of eternity that did not include the teaching of resurrection of the dead.  The silly question was intended to make sport of God's word.

Jesus' response was terse.  If they had known and believed the Scriptures, they would have never tried to insult God or embarrass themselves.  "You are wrong, because you know neither the Scriptures nor the power of God."

3. The Law. (vv.34-40)
Finally, upon seeing their rivals put down, the Pharisees put forth an expert in the Old Testament to quiz Jesus.  "Which is the greatest commandment?"  That question was meant to explode a debate because the Pharisees had added hundreds of their own rules to the Law of God.

Jesus answered by summarizing the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20) in two statements.  Love God.  Love your neighbor.  Then, He said the entire Old Testament "depend" upon those two commandments.  It was such a powerful response that in Mark's account the lawyer appeared ready to place his faith in Jesus (Mark 12:32-34).

The example of Jesus is good one for every one of His followers.  We need not succumb to the trap of the legalists who have added to the word of God.  We need not give in to the liberals who ignore the Scriptures to pursue their own views and to be culturally acceptable.  We need to know, believe, and put into practice the whole counsel of the Scriptures.

''But in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect."
(1 Peter 3:15)

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