Friday, March 22, 2019

The foundations of a Marriage

Read Song of Solomon 3.

Few days in the life of young lady is more anticipated than her wedding.  The Bible does not give any instruction about a wedding ceremony itself, except that it does involve a public commitment of a man and a woman for life.  God clearly holds marriage in the strictest sense of honor and purity.

"Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous." (Hebrews 13:4)

Every wedding in the Bible includes three things that are always present: wedding guests, wedding garments, and food.

After some time of courtship, the couple's love reached a zenith.  It was time for the ceremony.

1. He was the man of her dreams. (vv.1-5)
After the visit in chapter 2, Solomon left her and her heart left with him.  She loved him so much she could not stop longing for him.  At night, she dreamed that she wandered the streets searching for him.  And, when at last she found him, she took him home with her.  But it was only a dream.

2.  He was the man of her destiny. (vv.6-11)
The wedding day arrived.  She was at the appointed place and waiting.  Then, afar off she and the guests could see the groom's procession- "here comes the groom."  Not only was he the king, but in eastern culture the groom was the focus of attention at the ceremony.  Solomon appeared accompanied by an entourage of 60 armed men.  He came on a royal throne of silver and gold.  On his head was the crown that Bathsheba had given him in 1 Kings 2:13.

There is nothing else in life that compares to two people who are so committed to each other that they willingly and publicly promise faithfulness to each other until their death.

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