Saturday, June 23, 2018

The difference between mercy and Grace

Read Job 11.

Next, Zophar took a turn to judge and correct Job.  He accused job of spouting a lot of meaningless talk, even referring to him as stupid (v.12).  Further, he stated that it was too bad that God did not speak up so they could hear the real story.  It was the same erroneous thinking that Job's experiences were the result of some personal sin.

Though his applications to Job were not accurate, Zophar's statements about God are full of truth.

1. God is merciful.
"Know then that God exacts of you less than your guilt." v.6
Aren't we all blessed by the fact that God does not render to us what we so rightfully deserve?  This is mercy.

2. God's knowledge is limitless and immeasurable. vv.7-12
Indeed, He does know every detail about our lives-what we have thought, said, and done.

3. God forgiveness is waiting for those who will respond to His grace.
If a person will turn from their sin and turn to Jesus for forgiveness, they will experience a fresh start in life. vv.13-20  Forgiven, cleansed of our sin, being right with God are things we do not deserve.  This is grace.

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