Monday, October 16, 2017

There is hope for Tomorrow

Read Ruth 2.

One of the amazing characteristics of the LORD is His omnipresence.  He works in lives of each individual at the same time, fulfilling His plans.  In this chapter, we get to see God work in three people simultaneously.  Verse 3 uses the phrase "she happened to come to the part of the field belonging to Boaz."  It may have seemed to just "happen" to her, but it was no accident.  God was in full control, leading her to the exact spot at the exact time.

-He was a godly and wealthy bachelor.   
-He was kind.  Notice the way treated his employees with a blessing.
-He was respected.  Notice the response of his workers to him. 
-He was attentive.  He spotted Ruth immediately and wanted to know all about her.
-He was a caring and generous man.
-He became a protector for Ruth.

-We learned from chapter one how she felt God was against her (1:13).
-She was bitter because of her sufferings (1:20).
-She knew the LORD but could not process her pain with her faith.
-But notice her words in 2:20.  The light went on regarding God's care and possible plan for her.

-She was an alien in a new land.
-She was willing to work to support herself and her mother-in-law (vv.2, 18).
-She was an attractive woman, even as she worked in the field (v.6).
-She had the reputation of a hard worker (vv.7, 17).
-She was humble in her attitude (v.10).
-She listened and followed wise counsel (vv.22-23).

Now, all three of them had a spark of hope for their futures.  Suffering and disappointment do not have to mark the end of our hope.  Indeed, our losses may be the very stepping stones that God will use to take us to His place of blessing.

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