Wednesday, September 7, 2016

3 essential commitments to please God

Read 1 Thessalonians 4.

Paul taught the Thessalonian believers how to live in a manner that pleases God.  These instructions were not from human ideas, or denominational rules, but his teaching (and these writings we have in the Bible) are in fact from the Lord Jesus Christ (v.2).

In chapter one, we read of their repentance and changed life.  In chapter two, Paul transparently shared how he conducted his ministry to them.  In chapter three, he reminded them of the cost for following Jesus and how he prayed for them.  Now, his focus became very personal.  Knowing Jesus is only the beginning.  Living a lifestyle that pleases God requires daily discipline.  There is no discipleship without personal discipline.

1. Live in holiness with one another. (vv.1-8)
The Bible is not unclear concerning sexuality.  The subject is taught in plain terms both in the Old and the New Testaments.  God's standards are in writing and do not change with the changing winds of culture, political correctness, or denominational votes.  Sex outside the marriage commitment between one man and one woman is an abomination.  Jesus even warned about one's lustful thoughts turning to sin (Matthew 5:28).

Sanctification means purity or holiness.  The Bible teaches two aspects of our sanctification.  We are positionally sanctified, cleansed from our sin, at the moment of salvation.  We are then to be practically living as a sanctified people and daily dealing with our sin (1 John 1:9).  Our behaviors are to be pure and holy from the inside out.  Notice the list of things about our conduct in just these few verses.  We are responsible to "control" ourselves in this area.  Lustful passions are signs of those who do not know God.  It is not only sin against God, it involves sin against others.  "Therefore whoever disregards this, disregards not man but God..." (v.8)

Five times in the New Testament we are told "this is the will of God."  You do not have to pray about it.  It is not open for debate.  It is absolute.  And, living in sexual purity is one of those five.

2. Love one another. (vv.9-12)
Paul had already mentioned this to them.  They were already doing this.  Indeed, their good testimony of how they treated each other had actually influenced other churches.  His reminder here to them is not only for the internal health of the congregation.  Their manner of life displayed to "outsiders" the difference Christ makes.

3. Encourage one another. (vv.13-18)
Nothing pleases God more than believers who live with moment by moment anticipation of the Lord's return.  "...but we know that when he appears we shall be like him, because we shall see him as he is.  And everyone who thus hopes in him purifies himself as he is pure." (1 John 3:2b-3)  Sanctification and the Lord's return go hand in hand.  Those who fail to regularly preach and teach what used to be called "the blessed hope" rob the people of a main source of encouragement.

The basis of our hope is fixed in our steadfast belief in Jesus' resurrection, in Jesus' return, and our reunion with all the saints of God.  "Encourage one another with these words."

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