Monday, August 29, 2016

Presenting the only real Jesus

Read Colossians 1.

Being a prisoner in Rome did not stop Paul from writing to churches.  This was especially true when he heard churches were being influenced by false teachers.  The challenge to the Colossians was Gnosticism.   Under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, the Apostle Paul systematically answered the errors of the Gnostics and bolstered the confidence of the believers in Jesus.

The threat here was a strange mixture of a human Jesus (not God in the flesh) with Old Testament Law and the pseudo-elitism of philosophical thought.  Those who followed this line of thinking counted themselves intellectually superior to those who only trusted in Jesus by faith.

So, in response, the letter begins with three solid and unchangeable foundations of a true faith.
1. Who Jesus is. (vv.15-19)
True Christianity is not about a philosophy, but a Person.  It is not a religion, but a relationship.  One of the finest and most succinct depictions of Jesus is found here.
-He is the Creator of all things, material and immaterial.  Nothing exists that He did not call into existence.  Therefore, any theory or philosophical thought to the contrary is a direct affront to the Son of God.
-He is the Sustainer of all things.  It is Jesus who established and holds together the entire creation.
-He is the Head of the body of believers, called the church.
-He is the Beginning, or first, in the resurrection from the dead.
-He is to be preeminent in all things as Lord of all.
-He is fully God.
Any other Jesus is a false Jesus that never existed.

2. What Jesus did. (vv.13--14, 20-22)
-He delivered us from the dark domain of our slavery to sin.
-He transferred us into His marvelous kingdom and family.
-He redeemed through the sacrifice of His shed blood on the cross.
-He forgave us of our sin by His grace and faith in Him alone.
-He reconciled us to Himself, so we have peace with God.

3. What we are to be doing. (vv.24-29)
Our calling and opportunities may not match Paul's experiences, but every believer in Jesus has been called, gifted, and given a holy assignment to serve the Lord.  We are responsible to "administer" or manage our service (KJV="dispensation", NIV="commission", ESV="stewardship").  Regardless of when, where, or how we serve, our goal is identical.  Verses 28-29 is worthy of our memorization so we do not forget why God has left us on earth for a time
To do what? "Him we proclaim"
To whom?  "warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom"
Why?  "that we may present everyone mature in Christ."
What is required of me?  "For this I toil, struggling with all his energy that he powerfully works within me."

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