Friday, December 4, 2015

5 lessons from Hell

Read Luke 16.

Jesus taught more about the subject of money that, perhaps, any other subject.  The story recounted here would have perked up the ears of the Pharisees, "who were lovers of money" (v.14).  But the conclusion Jesus made caused them to "ridicule him."  Jesus said, "You cannot serve God and money." (v.13).

Hearing their remarks, Jesus told the next story to teach a proper evaluation of this life and to put eternal life into a correct perspective.  All money and material gain will one day be left behind.  Our few short years here are nothing in comparison with eternity.  Therefore, judging a person's worth by the amount of one's possessions or position is short-sighted and foolish to say the least.  This is why Jesus taught on two separate occasions that "many who are the first will be last, and the last first."  (Matthew 19 and 20).

Immediately upon one's death, the spirit separates from the physical body and enters eternity.  Hell is real.  It is not a joking matter, nor a word to be used for profanity.  Several times Jesus taught this same description of the judgment for those who reject Him.
1. It is a place of eternal torment. (v.23)
2. It is a place of eternal thirst and unbearable flaming heat. (v.24)
3. It is a  place of eternal loneliness and anguish. (v.25)
4. It is a place of eternal separation from God. (v.26)
5. It is a place of eternal regret. (vv.27-28)

In great contrast, the one who had nothing in this life but believed God's message experienced great comfort.  He enjoyed fellowship with God and others.

Everyone will spend eternity somewhere.  The decision of where is made in this life.  What most people do not realize is that God's judgment is already upon us.  Only faith in Jesus saves us.  "Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life; whoever does not obey the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God remains on him."  (John 3:36)

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