Monday, September 14, 2015

Questions when you feel Threatened

Read Mark 4.

After an overloaded stint of teaching, with no time rest, Jesus and the twelve set out across the Sea of Galilee.  It was evening, but this journey of a few miles for the professional fishermen aboard should not have been a problem.  Then, the problem came.

A violent windstorm came up.  The waves crashed over the bow and the boat began taking on water.  The men feared for their lives.  In great contrast, Jesus had fallen asleep and never woke up in the storm until aroused Him.  Their question in verse 38 is full of terror.  "Do you not care that we are perishing?"

In the previous chapter, He called them to be with Him and to serve Him.  It seemed fairly easy to be with the crowds and listening.  They were in the boat and then in the storm because God wanted them there.  They were in the exact will of God.  But when the pressure was on them, fear caused the twelve to question the very character of Jesus.

Later, the Holy Spirit would move the Apostle Peter to write: "...casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you." (1 Peter 5:7).  God's character does not change.  It is never in question.  In the middle of problems, it is our faith in  Him that is being tested.

Jesus rebuked the storm and calmed the sea with the simple yet commanding words, "Peace!  Be still!"  Then, Jesus had a couple questions of His own.

"Why are you so afraid?   Have you still no faith?"
Matthew recorded that upon selecting the twelve, Jesus addressed the subject of fear with them.  "So have no fear...And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul.  Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell....Fear not..." (Matthew 10:25-33)

The night before the crucifixion, Jesus comforted them with these words: "Let not your hearts be troubled.  Believe in God; believe also in me...Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you.  Not as the world gives, do I give to you.  let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid." (John 14:1 and 27)

It is human to have questions.  Yet, the follower of Jesus can rest in the peace of God, even in the middle of life's storms.  It is not because we have all the answers but because we trust the One who is in full control of all our circumstances.  To us He speaks, "Peace!  Be still!"

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