Wednesday, May 6, 2015

The lion's roar is no More

Read Nahum 2.

God used the Assyrians to discipline the northern kingdom of Israel.  Now, about a hundred years later, it was Assyria in need of punishment.  The Holy Spirit revealed to the prophet Nahum the sights and sounds of the Babylonian attack on Nineveh in 612 B.C. about thirty plus years in advance.  The details are amazing, intense, and confirmed by archaeology.

What they did to others will be done to them.  They killed and scattered the northern tribes throughout their empire.  The Babylonians will kill and scatter them.  There will be no defense against the attackers.

In verses three and four, even the clothing of the soldiers, their shields, the chariots, and spears are all described.  So swift will be the battle that the destruction will come upon them like a torrential flood.  Indeed, the diggings around the site show two dams that the Babylonians may have built, then breached, to overwhelm the city.

The once proud empire that referred to itself as a lion in the world and often used the symbol of a lion, is mocked in verses ten through twelve.  "Where is the lions' den?"  Instead of roaring and devouring its prey, Nineveh became the hunted.  "Hearts melt and knees tremble; anguish is in all loins."

Babylon could take no credit.  God is in control.  He is working out His plans among the nations.  See these statements from the LORD to Nineveh in verse 13.
"I am against you."
"I will  burn your chariots..."
"I will cut off your prey from the earth and your messengers shall no longer be heard."

Where is the hope for God's people?
In verse two, the LORD stated that He is relieving them of the Assyrian oppression and He promised to one day restore the "majesty of Jacob."  That full restoration has yet to take place.  The Millennial Kingdom and Israel's exaltation is coming.

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