Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Confidence in the face of Opposition

Read Amos 7.

God's judgment on the northern kingdom was certain.  Amos had been called and assigned by the LORD to warn the people and urge them to repent of their sin.  To reveal to the prophet how the punishment would occur, God showed him five visions; three in chapter seven and two in chapter eight.  The destruction in the visions was so great that it moved Amos to intercede for the nation.

1. Locusts. (vv.1-3)
This dreaded plague against Israel's crops would have meant famine.  Amos cried out for God to forgive the people and not do this.  God heard and answered the judgment part of that prayer.

2. Fire. (vv.4-6)
Such a disaster would not only destroy all the crops but all the structures of the land as well.  Amos prayed for this not to happen and, again, God answered his prayer.

3. Sword. (vv.7-9)
In other words, war by an enemy nation would inflict upon Israel what God wanted to accomplish.  There is no recorded prayer and no changing of this plan.

To illustrate how out of line the nation of Israel had become, God is pictured holding a plumb-line against a wall.  God's standards of what is right does not change.  Holding up His righteousness next to Israel vividly revealed their crookedness.  God did  not move.  They did.

The northern kingdom had separated itself from Jerusalem and established an amalgam of false worship.  It is no surprise that the priest of Bethel and the king refused to listen God's word.  Instead of listening to the message, their solution was to get rid of the messenger.  But, Amos knew that the message was not his and the assignment was not his.  God designed and planned the life of Amos to fulfill His purpose at this point in time.  Such understanding gave Amos confidence to stand strong in the face of opposition.

Knowing how God created us as individuals, what He has given to us in abilities, and taking full advantage of the opportunities He provides will result in a life that pleases Him and fulfills us.  There is no greater confidence than the sense that one is in the center of God's will for their lives.

"For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them." (Ephesians 2:10)

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