Saturday, March 28, 2015

Life at the Crossroads

Read Hosea 14.

God's judgment upon Israel's rebellion was sure, but it would not be permanent.  Even at that this point, He issued a call for them to repent of their sin and turn back to Him.

In the prophetic plan of God, He announced that one day the Jews would return to Him.  At that time, "I will heal their apostasy; I will love them freely, for my anger has turned from them" (v.4).  But that day of spiritual restoration for the nation has yet to come.  The Apostle Paul looked forward to it in Romans 9-11.

In the LORD's call for repentance, He even instructed the people step by step in what to do.
1. Confessing of sin. (v.2b)
"Take away all iniquity."  The first step is to admit the sin to God and agree with Him of its wrong.  More than that, it is seeking His forgiveness and cleansing from the sin.
"If we confess out sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." (1 John 1:9)

2. Offering for sin. (v.2c)
Under the Old Testament Law, the sinner offered to God the blood of sacrificed animals as an atoning payment.  But the blood of animals only covered the sin; it never took it away.  That is why the words of John the Baptist concerning Jesus in John 1:29 are so spiritually earth-shattering.  "Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!"  Since the crucifixion, there are no more offerings for sin.  The debt has been paid.  Accepting Christ's death as the full and final payment for one's personal sin is the sinner's prayer.

3. Forsaking the sin. (v.3)
Words and rituals may be only a pretense of repentance.  The real proof is in a changed life.  God's call for Israel to demonstrate a new direction included giving up their dependence upon Assyria to protect them and riding their lives of their spiritual allegiance to anything else.  God demands exclusive worship and obedience to Him.

The result?  Those who are totally dependent upon the LORD will find mercy (v.3c).  God answers prayer and cares for us (v.8a).  It is God who is the source of the provisions we need (v.8b).

Like Israel, every life comes to a crossroads and must decide which way they will go.   The closing verse of Hosea issues a clear invitation for a decision.  Those who are wise and understand will choose to turn to the LORD and live in ways that please Him.  Those who turn away from Him will continue to stumble through life and experience the painful consequences.

Choose Him.

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