Thursday, July 17, 2014

What are you waiting For?

Read Isaiah 30.

Living in fear as they awaited the Assyrian invasion, the southern kingdom of Judah looked to Egypt for help and protection.  But Egypt was no longer a strong world power.  Representatives of Judah were dispatched anyway to secure an alliance.  The result would be "shame and disgrace" (v.5).

God had already made it clear that the northern kingdom of Israel would be conquered and the people scattered.  However, God also promised to use the Assyrians to punish Judah, but not conquer them.

How did they get into this mess?  They decided that they knew better how to run their lives and their nation than the God who created them and brought them this far.  "Stubborn children," He called them, making their own plans, seeking alliances and protection from everyone and everything except Him.  In doing so, they "add sin to sin" (v.1).

The people did not want to hear what was right.  They wanted someone to flatter them and help them feel good about themselves.  In other words, they deliberately sought to believe in fantasies in place of the truth (v.10).  None of those false ways dealt with the root issue of their sin and guilt.

God's gracious offer to them remained.  "In returning (repentance) and rest you shall be saved: in quietness and in trust shall be your strength" (v.15).  Making a u-turn toward the LORD, accepting His forgiveness, and trusting Him alone would bring them peace and the provision they needed.  All along, the LORD wanted to be their Teacher showing them how to live (v.21).  One day they will listen to Him.  At that point, they will get rid of all the false ways they used to trust with a simple "Be gone!" (v.22).

In the middle of the chapter is the invitation.  "The LORD waits to be gracious to you and therefore he exalts himself to show mercy to you.  For the Lord is a God of justice;".  But there is more.  "Blessed are all those who wait for him" (v.18).  Whom are you trusting today to meet your real needs?  God is waiting.  What are you waiting for?

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