Friday, October 11, 2013

What to pray in a Crisis

Read Psalm 57.

David found a remote cave where he would be safe from the pursuit of King Saul and his army.  But this hiding place could not provide the inner peace and security he truly needed.  For that he turned to God.

1. He prayed for mercy. (v.1)
Mercy is not receiving what we deserve.  God is a God of mercy.  In His loving-kindness to us He forgives us and protects us.  Not because we deserve it but because that is who He is.

2. He prayed for God to fulfill His purpose. (vv.2-4)
This situation did not catch God by surprise.  He is able to even use the evil deeds of others to complete His purpose and plan for our lives.

3. He prayed for God to be exalted. (v.5,11)
The ultimate purpose of life and every circumstance is to bring glory to the LORD.  We do not always know how that will happen or when.  The quest for the believer is do nothing that would distract from God receiving His glory and full credit for the outcome.

In the meantime, David reaffirmed his personal commitment to the LORD.  While outside there was the threat of death, inside his faith was stable.  He began to sing praises to God.  Then, he looked forward to giving thanks for all the LORD had done for him to those who do not know Him yet.

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