Monday, September 16, 2013

The Music should never End

Read Psalm 33.

Shouting, praising, giving thanks by playing instruments and singing!  Why?  What brought on this exuberance?

The answer is so simple to some of us that we may miss it.  We can so easily take for granted the daily evidences of God's presence and power.  Not David.  He wrote this song for the entire nation to sing so they would not overlook and never forget the goodness of God.

1. The word of the LORD is right.(v.4a)
When God speaks, it is correct and without error.  Many who reject God's word have never read it for themselves.  Those who have read it and reject it want inexplicably to continue in going their own way to their peril.  Peter said to Jesus, "Lord, to whom shall we go?  You have the words of eternal life." (John 6:67)

2. The work of the LORD is faithful. (v.4b)
He is trustworthy.  What He says He will do.  What He commands will be done.  Exhibit A in this Psalm is the creation of the heavens and the earth.  It was accomplished at His spoken word, by "the breath of his mouth".  All these things were brought forth instantaneously with His voice.

3. The watch of the LORD is personal. (vv.13-15,19)
He sees.  He looks.  He "fashions the hearts" "and observes all their deeds."  Why is the God of the universe paying such close attention to us?  So that He may "deliver" and "keep" us.

With that kind of attention and care from Almighty God, we should be audibly rejoicing all day, everyday.

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