Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Why not just throw up our hands and Quit?

Read Nehemiah 6.

The wall had been completed.  All that remained was to hang the gates and the city of Jerusalem would once again be secure.  Surrounding enemies then stepped up the pressure to stop the completion of the work.

First, they tried to set up a meeting with Nehemiah.  But he recognized that this was a trap to kill him.  Five times they made the unsuccessful attempt to get Nehemiah to stop the work for this meeting.  Next, they falsely accused him of self-promotion and outright rebellion against the Persian Empire.  Then, Nehemiah turned to those closest to him for counsel, but he quickly realized that their advice was wrong.  In fact, there were insiders leaking information to the enemy.  Tobiah and Sanballat not only paid some to be informants, but Nehemiah discovered that one of the top leaders was the father-in-law to Tobiah!

At that point, many leaders would have thrown in the towel and quit with multiple good reasons.
-I am being lied about.
-There are plots to kill me.
-The people I trusted the most are disloyal to me and to their own people.
-After all I have done to help them, this is the thanks I get!
-I have worked day and night.  I am tired and do not want to endure this any longer.

But that was not the character of Nehemiah.  Why did he NOT quit?  What sustained him?
1. He knew he was doing what God wanted done.
Knowing he was right where God wanted him to be gave him confidence in the face of opposition.

2. He made the work his priority.
Because he saw this as God's work, not his own, he was not about to waste time on meaningless discussions.  This was especially true when he knew their true motives.

3. He placed his absolute trust in the One who called him.
As God's man, doing God's work, his reliance was on God to protect him.  This was more than a daily prayer.  Reading through this book, there is a moment by moment calling out to God for help.
"Remember for my good, O my God, all that I have done for this people". (5:19)
"But now, O God, strengthen my hands." (6:9)
"Remember Tobiah and Sanballat, O my God, according to the things they did..." (6:14)

When the work was completed, the result was not accolades for Nehemiah.  The enemy "perceived that this work had been accomplished with the help of our God." (6:16b)

To God be the glory as we do His will and work today.

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