Friday, February 8, 2013

Time for a check of Motives and Integrity

Read 1 Chronicles 29.

David never worshiped, nor even saw, the Temple he had dreamed about and longed to build.  He did the next best thing.  He made sure that the generations that followed would have a place where God's name would be honored and people could come to make their lives right with Him.

Before all the people the king stood to finish the needed preparation work.
1. He reminded the people of the motive of building this Temple.  It was not going to be a monument to David.  It was for the Lord God.

2. He stood with integrity and spoke of his own financial commitment.  A true leader never asks the people do something they are not willing to do.

3. He modeled generosity in announcing that now he would give "over and above" or "in addition to" all that he had already given.  All projects in the Bible were funded with generosity giving, not with tithe money.

His charge to everyone else was a spiritual one, not financial.  "Who then will offer willingly, consecrating himself today to the LORD?" (v.5)  The first lesson of stewardship is that God is the Owner of everything.  If I give myself to God, then giving generously is simply being a faithful steward.

The leaders went first.  That's what leaders do.  When the people heard David and saw their leaders give willingly and wholeheartedly they followed.  Many have commented that this was the largest offering in history.

Don't miss David's response of thanksgiving.  It is one of the finest prayers in the Bible.
"Oh, LORD our God, all this abundance that we have provided for building you a house for your holy name comes from your hand and is all your own." (v.16)

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